Thursday, November 28, 2019

Admission for undergraduate 1st semester Year 2020

Our admission period for undergraduate program will start from 6th January 2020.
Admission guideline and our University brochure are provided below. Please have a look!

Malaysian students who enrolled will get 50% tuition fee waiver for first semester.  

Monday, October 14, 2019

2019 2nd semester welcome ceremony for new international students

  Busan University of Foreign Studies held a Welcome Ceremony for Freshman of 2019 Second semester” during 9th September at Mano Auditorium.
 The welcoming ceremony was attended by President Jung Gi-young, Vice president Huang Gwi-yeon, Dean of International Affairs Han Kang-woo, Professor of International Studies Cho Wi-soo, and Professor Yasuhiro Sakawa of Kinki University in Japan and 484 newly enrolled foreign students.
  A total of 484 foreign students, including 54 Korean language program students, 355 undergraduate students, and 75 graduate students, are studying in the second semester of the 2019 academic year, up from 1,333 in the same semester last year (157 short-term trainees). Major countries of new students are the United States, France, Canada, Azerbaijan, Italy, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Japan, Vietnam and Russia, the total 18 major countries.
  The one-hour event was divided into two parts, In the first part, the public relations video clips of schools were shown and a welcoming performance was performed by Japanese students' team and Vietnamese students' team. After that, International Student Association(ISA) was introduced. The second part was followed by a congratulatory speech by President Jung Gi-young and another welcoming performance by a team of Chinese students. Coming next is the entrance and greetings taken part by new students from each country. During the event, various household items such as cosmetics and kitchenware which are needed for studying in Korea were given out by lucky draw.

[출처][국제교류팀] 18개국 484명 신입 외국인 유학생 환영식 개최

Monday, April 8, 2019

2019 1st-semester welcome ceremony for new international students

On last Thrusday 14th March at 2 p.m our university held a welcome ceremony for new international students in the first semester of 2019 at the Mano Auditorium and welcomed 304 newly enrolled foreign students.

The total number of foreign students who entered our university this year is 304 including 49 students who studied language abroad, 208 undergraduates and 47 graduate students.There are 27 countries including the United States, France, Spain, Poland, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Cameron, Tanzania, China, Japan, Vietnam and Russia etc.

The welcome ceremony began with the university president's congratulatory message and followed by welcoming performances from students from China,Vietnam and Japan and a taekwondo demonstration by taekwondo club. They also introduced the activities of the International Student Association to help you get used to your international student's life here.

In addition,they also introduced university life,dormitory,Korean language institute and guided our new international students. During the event, we had a lot of fun by giving various daily necessities such as cosmetics and kitchen utensils to students who study in Korea through lottery events.

I sincerely welcome you all to our university and hope that you will live happliy here as a student here. If you have any difficulties while living here,please feel free to visit our international student association office (B130). 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

釜山外国语大学 2019年秋季(9月)入学


学习专业课程的同时也能够选择一些基础韩语课程来学习,提升专业知识的同时也提升自己的韩语水平。只要得到了TOPIK 3级的成绩第二年就能选择自己喜欢的课程来当自己的第二专业(Second Major)或者副专业(Minor).

有任何疑问都能直接通过email或whatsapp (+60127727743)与我联系!

2019年入学申请表   :2019 Application Form


English Booklet (Download)

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Global Korea Scholarship(GKS) 2019 for Graduate Degrees (Master’s and Doctoral program)

课程为:1年的韩语课程+2年的硕士班课程 或 3年的博士班课程
截止日期为 2019年4月4日
Scholarship Application Form

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Admission Guideline(Fall 2019)
Admission Guideline(Spring 2020)

马来西亚学生的优惠不变,第一学期学费 50%减免,入学金全免。
没有韩文基础的学生也不必担心,因为本校有为了无韩文基础的外国学生提供的全英文课程-国际贸易经营专业(International Trade Management Track)。同学们能够用双轨的方式,一边上专业课的同时在没课的时段选择韩文基础课。这样在学习自己专业的同时也掌握了韩语的能力。


Assistant Teacher, Southeast Asia & China 
Center for International Affairs  国际交流处
Busan University of Foreign Studies  釜山外国语大学

Office : +82-51-509-5332

Mobile : +82-10-9832-5623


E-mail :

Address : 46234,  A202, 65, Geumsaem-ro 485beongil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, South Korea